Sunday 12 May 2013

Victoria Pendleton's legs, Wiggo's tribulations and Happy Moorey's climbing boots

"When you were young do you remember pretending to be someone while you played a sport? And is it wrong to still do it? Today im out on the bike with the cccp so I'm going to shave my legs and be Victoria Pendleton."

This was this mornings facebook comment, meant entirely as joke. I don't have a perchance for appearing as a female olympian but I will admit to shaving my legs occasionally, although its a bit of a chore considering the work required - see photo!
The response I had from the comment was interesting and at the same time disturbing.

Anyway the CCCP did a quick 50 over to Ironbridge Gorge and back this morning and anyone who knows Ironbridge will know why its called a gorge! And to the amazement of the squad, Happy Moorey's training paid off and he managed to get up that monster hill without getting off for the first time ever! Another first was the appearance of "Motorbike Mike" on a hybrid, but showed good form - when he gets his roadie he'll see a massive jump in performance.

This occurred to a back drop of Wiggins hanging on by his nails trying to keep in contention at the GIRO. Lead home by his squad, he had to make up nearly a minute to get back into the Maglia Rose group, but nearly lost it on the descents. His fall this week seems to have knocked his confidence and the rest of the peleton know it - pushing on at the front to inflict as much pain as possible, both going up and descending! My money wagered on Wiggo looks like going the same way as most of my other bets, but I'm taking heart in the fact I will be able to actually see my money being lost live in Brescia on the final day!

5 members of the CCCP Squad this morning, Happy Moorey, Scissorhand John, Motorcycle Mike, Chesh, and The Little Bear:


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